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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Sax on the balcony

It’s been quite a week. My last post managed not to mention the C word at all, instead looking back fondly at loud nights and sticky carpets. There was a sad lack of loo rolls and pasta in the UK this time last week, but as I write, we are now going back to the type of rationing not seen since the Fifties. Here at Big Word Towers, we are the proud owners of 8 actual toilet rolls, a couple of packets of kitchen roll and endless supplies of newspapers. One way or another, the five derrières residing here will make it through. And who needs pasta anyway?
But as I often say, let other pens dwell on guilt and misery[1]. There’s plenty to worry about, if we choose to, lots to question and second-guess. The truth is, none of us know what’s going to happen. As I write, I’ve just heard that all schools and colleges will be closing on Friday afternoon. This may mean that my last child at primary school won’t have a Year 6 play, reward trips or sit her SATS at school. Today, as I watched the children running around on the field playing football, swinging off the gym trail and rushing round in the bushes, I realised that this might be almost the last time for us. I’ve spent the last 13 years at that school and it could be coming to an end, abruptly, unexpectedly. In the grand scheme of things, however, this is not big news. I’ll feel a pang on Friday, but there are other more important things to dwell on.

If you turn your eyes away from scenes of people fighting each other in supermarkets for the last packet of tagliatelle, you’ll see heart-warming examples of community spirit, compassion and kindness. Last week, I heard a story on the radio that warmed my heart. A music teacher in Italy, confined to barracks as everyone is, came out on to his balcony and played, “Ode to Joy” on the saxophone to lift his neighbours’ spirits. You can see him here: In the last few days, Italians all over the country have come out on to their balconies to sing, play an instrument or wave and smile at their neighbours. The Italians are a fiercely community-minded nation, big on family, celebration and good food. La passeggiata, the traditional walk in the evening has been replaced by community singing and playing from balconies, and by the posting of encouraging messages.
Closer to home, I’ve been encouraged by the many Facebook groups set up in our village and nearby to help the elderly, isolated and vulnerable keep afloat at a very difficult time. Yesterday afternoon, I read a post on Facebook which made me smile and feel emotional all at the same time. The lovely Christina Johnston (you may remember her from this blog: is a self-employed opera singer. All her concerts have been cancelled until September. Rather than wallowing in self-pity, or letting fear rule her life, she has chosen instead to share her beautiful voice with others who can’t get out. She’ll be singing outside Mill Lane Nursing and Residential Home in Felixstowe this afternoon and then again in Ipswich. She has offered to sing outside any nursing home or establishment where elderly or vulnerable people are self-isolating. She sings like an angel and she is generously sharing her gift with those who are stuck indoors. Here’s a link to her singing – enjoy it and feel free to share. Beautiful things are rare in our world at the moment and they need to be celebrated.

The good has to outweigh the bad, or else who are we? What makes us human? As I was about to hit, "publish", another story of kindness popped up. Our local greengrocer in Woodbridge (that lovely one on the way to the Thoroughfare, for the benefit of local readers) is not only offering free local deliveries, but took on all the stock from the Friends' (PTA) group at a local primary school for resale, saving them from a massive loss. 

We don’t know what’s going to happen. These are frightening and uncertain times. But if we can focus on the good – the unselfish, the giving, the altruistic amongst us – we will get through this, together. 

[1] Not my own line. It’s Jane Austen. But a quote from one of the classics adds such a touch of class to one’s blog, don’t you think?


  1. I heard an opera singer finishing off the Radio 4 Today programme this morning but didn't hear the intro to her singing. I'm now wondering if it was your mate, Christina. Great blog post, as always, saying some important stuff.

  2. It could well have been.The woman is a superstar. Thank you - trying to stay positive.

  3. A touch of class indeed even without the Jane Austen reference. Uplifting as ever and so nice of you to pop round to see us this afternoon Ruth, including the copious amounts of laughter as usual. We could all do with a bit of laughter right now, its great therapy particularly in adversity so i am reccommending the Tim Vine joke appreciation society facebook page, thats if you like really corny ones, which i do.

  4. Thank you so much! Wonderful to see you both this afternoon and the chortlage was much appreciated. I'll check that page out.

  5. Exactly what I needed to rwad after trawling through 3 supermarkets this eve just to get essentials(&still not getting them!) Thanks for brightening up my evening, was feeling a tad gloomy xx

  6. God bless you old girl! We'll get through this together. I promise to keep the positivity coming! xx

  7. Brilliant Ruth. PLease keep them coming. Three cheers for Christina, and the Woodbridge grocers. xxx

  8. Thank you! I will. Listen out for me on Radio Suffolk tomorrow evening at 6.30. I'll be chatting to Jon Wright and I'll hopefully have recorded this to be played xxx

  9. Unknown is me - Jenny! Can't work out how to be visible!!!

  10. Ah! Unknown. Jolly good. I was commenting on a friend's blog the other day and it came up with unknown. There should be a little drop down menu which gives you the option to be yourself x


Jane and Me

  It is a fact universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is a genius in a bonnet. If you disagree or would like to start a fight (Austen-rel...